You’re doing it wrong.

I can’t be the only one that feels like I constantly hear this, if not from other people then for sure from myself. Its the thought that usually comes just moments after we have already acted, when we have already spoken and we can’t undo or unsay what it was that happened, and then we hear it “You’re doing it wrong”. Whats worse than all of this is that I have the profound gift of letting you know when you’re doing it wrong and somehow have the complete ignorance when it comes to my own failures. If you can relate to this small truth than I want to share 3 things that could help reshape the outcome of “you’re doing it wrong”.

First thing, we have to remove self form the equation. We both have the ability with our actions to block the creator of the world from doing work through us as well as the audacity to think that He needs us more than we need Him. Far to often we get caught up in the moment where we feel we deserve this or don’t deserve that. We confuse God’s freedom for our lives and see it as open doors to be sinful in action and speech. Before taking that next step, saying that next word, hitting enter for that next social media post we should check and see does this enhance what God desires for my life or is it a selfish action, speech, or vent to where it will ultimately cause more harm than good.

Second thing, we need to have a true friend. I’m not talking about those Facebook friends that wish you a happy birthday once a year and get to see what kind of meal you ate last night, and ask you to join farmville (the game). I’m talking about a friend who will call you into check even when you hate it, even when it hurts and you scream at each other. A friend who will defend you when people begin attacking but will also correct you for that moment “you’re doing it wrong”. Don’t set up any test or trap to find out who is your true friend, thats childish. Ask someone, and if they have feared telling you the truth in the past give them access and freedom to do so now.

Final thing, Have you asked God what He thinks? Don’t we always skip this part, pushing past the fact that the very creator who has breathed purpose into our lungs might want input on our very actions. We confuse God’s voice with those of this world and the media. We have allowed God’s truth to be silenced by the person who has screamed the lie long enough to become truth and the retweets on social media to judge what right and wrong are. This is not that moment where we open up and let out whats bottled up but where we stand in silence and listen for God’s voice. Where we read His word and examine our lives by it. There is but one judge to the outcome “You’re doing it wrong” and if you are ever confused by which move to make or word to say next its time to check in, become silent and read up.

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